You can configure Galileo using environment variables:
# Scoped to an OrganizationGALILEO_API_KEY=...# Optional, set a default ProjectGALILEO_PROJECT=...# Optional, set a default Log StreamGALILEO_LOG_STREAM=...
In Node.js, you can use process.env to specify these variables:
The log function wrapper allows you to wrap functions with spans of different types. This is useful for creating workflow spans with nested LLM calls or tool spans.
import{ OpenAI }from"openai";import{ wrapOpenAI, flush, log, init }from'galileo';asyncfunctionrunExample(){const openai =wrapOpenAI(newOpenAI({ apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY}));// This will automatically create an llm span since we're using the `wrapOpenAI` wrapperconstcallOpenAI=async(input)=>{const result =await{ model:'gpt-4o', messages:[{ content:`Say hello ${input}!`, role:'user'}]});return result;};// Optionally initialize the logger if you haven't set GALILEO_PROJECT and GALILEO_LOG_STREAM environment variablesawaitinit({ projectName:'my-project', logStreamName:'my-log-stream'});const wrappedToolCall =log({ name:'tool span', spanType:'tool'},(input)=>{return'tool call result';});const wrappedFunc =awaitlog({ name:'workflow span'},async(input)=>{const result =awaitcallOpenAI(input);returnwrappedToolCall(result);});// This will create a workflow span with an llm span and a tool spanconst result =awaitwrappedFunc('world');awaitflush();return result;}// Run the examplerunExample();
Workflow: A span that can have child spans, useful for nesting several child spans to denote a thread within a trace. If you wrap a parent function with log, calls that are made within that scope are automatically logged in the same trace.
Llm: Captures the input, output, and settings of an LLM call. This span gets automatically created when our client library wrappers (OpenAI and Anthropic) are used. Cannot have nested children.
Retriever: Contains the output documents of a retrieval operation.
Tool: Captures the input and output of a tool call. Used to decorate functions that are invoked as tools.
For more advanced use cases, you can use the GalileoLogger directly:
import{ GalileoLogger }from"galileo";asyncfunctionrunLoggerExample(){// You can set the GALILEO_PROJECT and GALILEO_LOG_STREAM environment variablesconst logger =newGalileoLogger({ projectName:"my-project", logStreamName:"my-log-stream",});console.log("Creating trace with spans...");// Create a new traceconst trace = logger.startTrace({ input:"Example trace input",// input output:undefined,// output (will be set later) name:"Example Trace",// name createdAt:*1000000,// createdAt in nanoseconds durationNs:undefined,// durationNs metadata:{ source:"test-script"},// metadata tags:["test","example"],// tags});// Add a workflow span (parent span)const workflowSpan = logger.addWorkflowSpan({ input:"Processing workflow",// input output:undefined,// output (will be set later) name:"Main Workflow",// name durationNs:undefined,// durationNs createdAt:*1000000,// createdAt in nanoseconds metadata:{ workflow_type:"test"},// metadata tags:["workflow"],// tags});// Add an LLM span as a child of the workflow span logger.addLlmSpan({ input:[{ role:"user", content:"Hello, how are you?"}],// input messages output:{ role:"assistant", content:"I am doing well, thank you for asking!",},// output message model:"gpt-3.5-turbo",// model name name:"Chat Completion",// name durationNs:1000000000,// durationNs (1s) metadata:{ temperature:"0.7"},// metadata tags:["llm","chat"],// tags});// Conclude the workflow span logger.conclude({ output:"Workflow completed successfully", durationNs:2000000000,// 2 seconds});// Conclude the trace logger.conclude({ output:"Final trace output with all spans completed", durationNs:3000000000,// 3 seconds});// Flush the traces to Galileoconst flushedTraces =await logger.flush();return flushedTraces;}// Run the examplerunLoggerExample();
import{ createPromptTemplate }from"galileo";const template =awaitcreatePromptTemplate({ template:[{ role:"system", content:"You are a great storyteller."},{ role:"user", content:"Please write a short story about the following topic: {topic}"}], projectName:"my-project", name:"storyteller-prompt"});
You can also use an existing template:
import{ getPromptTemplate }from"galileo";asyncfunctionretrievePromptTemplate(){// Get a prompt templateconst template =awaitgetPromptTemplate({ projectName:'my-project', name:'Hello name prompt'});return template;}
You can use a runner function to run an experiment with a dataset:
import{ runExperiment }from"galileo";import{ OpenAI }from"openai";asyncfunctionrunFunctionExperiment(){const openai =newOpenAI({ apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY});construnner=async(input)=>{const result =await{ model:"gpt-4", messages:[{ role:"system", content:"You are a great storyteller."},{ role:"user", content:`Write a story about ${input["topic"]}`},],});return result;};awaitrunExperiment({ name:"story-function-experiment", datasetName:"storyteller-dataset", runner: runner, metrics:["correctness"], projectName:"my-project",});}// Run the experimentrunFunctionExperiment();
You can also use a locally generated dataset with a runner function:
import{ runExperiment }from"galileo";import{ OpenAI }from"openai";asyncfunctionrunCustomDatasetExperiment(){const openai =newOpenAI({ apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY});const dataset =[{ input:"Spain", expected:"Europe"}];construnner=async(input)=>{const result =await{ model:"gpt-4", messages:[{ role:"system", content:"You are a geography expert"},{ role:"user", content:`Which continent does the following country belong to: ${input["input"]}`,},],});return result;};awaitrunExperiment({ name:"geography-experiment", dataset: dataset,function: runner, metrics:["correctness"], projectName:"my-project",});}// Run the experimentrunCustomDatasetExperiment();